Guest Blog Post #1 by Andrieka “AJ” Austin: Attempting To Do It All

The BEAUTY of entrepreneurship is that you don’t have to be “it” all, nor do you have to do it all by yourself! There are some tasks that you are sure to welcome the opportunity to pass off to someone else. The key to the idea of ‘taking on the task of attempting to “do it all” lies in knowing when to officiate and when to delegate and pouncing on opportunities for the right help at the right time (and place).

I often advise my coaching clients to take on the task of attempting to do it all through a step by step process. It starts with knowing how to put off procrastination. When you’re finally FINISHED fearing failure you are then ready to move on to the next step of conquering the ‘Super Woman Syndrome’ of attempting to do it all (at least on your own).

You kick this bad habit to the curb by listing your business goals. This process is important as it allows you to “empty your brain” by writing out what you want and why you want it, plus how each item on your list individually aligns with your business and/or professional goals and your current life focus.

Be smart. Determine when and where you (realistically) want to (successfully) invest your time. Be sure it leads new ways of increasing your impact, influence, and income! You achieve this by successfully mapping out tasks that you DO NOT want to do yourself, and building a TEAM of VIPs {Volunteers, Interns, and Personnel}. These are professional (and pre-professional) individuals that you can invest a few hours of training in to help you accomplish your business mission and vision.


Here are 8 quick tips, tools, and tidbits for how to successfully start, sustain, and scale a support team to help you reach that NEXT level with your business goals:

  1. Provide detailed instructions to your VIP team on what a successful project looks like for your business
  2. Have a goal deadline and a project end-of-date in mind before sharing the details with your team
  3. Sync the start and end time of each project with your new VIPs on-boarding and off-boarding dates
  4. Divide lengthy assignments between more than one volunteer, intern, or personnel
  5. Pep things up with a weekly “pep talk” or meeting with your staff to be sure things stay on task
  6. Determine your priority projects beforehand
  7. Get feedback and suggestions from current VIPs on how to recruit even better help and improve your team-building
  8. Create a referral system for your current volunteers, interns, and personnel’s colleagues, classmates, friends and associates to come work with you too! {Remember the saying ‘Birds of a feather flock together’, and if they did great work, there is hope that their friends may too!}

As a final tidbit of (FREE) helpful business advice, let me give you this personal confessional (for you to repeat as often as you like…print it out…post it up in your office!). Repeat after me:

I am a SUPER human, but I am not Super Human.
I know when (and what) to delegate.
I have a current list of my business goals.
I am clear on what I want for my life and my business.
My business and life goals are set.
I have invested wisely in building my support team.
I invest my time wisely to best benefit my business.
I give detailed project information to my support team.
I show my support team how much I appreciate their support.
I assign all projects beginning with a successful end in mind.
I have pep-talks with my team to boost morale and success.
My to-do tasks are prioritized, clear and can be delegated.

Now, Woooooosah! If you have read my last two posts on 12 Ways To Put Off Procrastination AND how to FINALLY Finish Fearing Failing, you can now add to your list of conquerings that you have SUCCESSFULLY defeated one of the TOP 8 mistakes that women entrepreneurs make that keep them BROKE, STUCK, AND STRUGGLING in their businesses: taking on the task of attempting to do it all.

If you need help affirming and inspiring yourself to greatness consistently, click to download your step-by-step guide of the NEW forthcoming book Secrets of A Socialprenista: The PINK Print [sent straight to your inbox on 12.13.14]. It features the TOP 8 Mistakes Women Entrepreneurs Make That Keep Them Broke, Stuck, and Struggling in Their Business and inspiration for the journey!

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the-socialprenista-standing-logo-picture21Andrieka “AJ” Austin is THE Business and Life Coach for women entrepreneurs who are in the sustainability/growth phase of their businesses, need help getting “unstuck”, and looking to increase their social impact, influence, and income! She is passionate about sharing helpful business advice and resources on how to uncover the personal side of professional struggles with other professionistas!

She is the author of ‘Secrets of a Socialprenista; The Top 8 Dangerous Mistakes That Women Entrepreneurs Make That Keep Them Broke, Stuck, and Struggling In Their Business (Winter 2014).

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