The Science Behind Nailing Your New Year’s Resolutions

As 2014 nears its end, we start to look ahead to 2015. A new year brings a fresh start and a clean slate for setting goals and implementing them into our lives. What do you want to do differently? What do you want to change? How can you be a better business person? Partner? Person? We all make these resolutions but keeping them is a bit harder. Read this article about the science behind keeping your New Year’s Resolutions!


The Science Behind Nailing Your New Year’s Resolutions by Sydney Lupkin via ABC World News

New Year’s resolutions seem so exciting and full of promise on Jan. 1, but by the middle of the week, many people have already skipped gym, eaten the stacked burger and been a jerk to their in-laws.

No one said goal-setting would be easy.

Fewer than one in 5 adults who made health-related New Year’s resolutions were able to make any significant strides in weight loss, healthier eating, exercise or stress reduction by March, according to a 2010 poll by the American Psychological Association.

Still, psychologists say there’s no time like the present to give your goals a try. And if you want to be a better version of yourself in 2015, there’s a science to conquering your resolutions.

Read on to find out how to stack the deck in your favor and do your New Year’s resolutions right this year.

Choose Your Goal Wisely

The key to accomplishing your goal is to make it concrete and easy to break down into pieces, said Jeff Janata, chief of psychology at UH Case Medical Center in Cleveland, Ohio. Weight loss is actually an example of a resolution that sets you up to fail.

“Weight loss really isn’t in our control,” Janata said, explaining that no matter how rigid the diet and exercise, weight loss naturally plateaus. “That’s one of the reasons people fail at weight loss. They focus on ‘I need to lose a certain number pounds per week.'”

Instead, cutting out fried foods or deciding to work out a few days a week are better goals, he said.

“Don’t start off with these grand resolutions,” said psychologist Joe Taravella, the supervisor of pediatric psychology at NYU Langone’s Rusk Rehabilitation who also specializes in marital and family psychology.

Don’t Beat Yourself Up If You Mess Up

No matter how perfect the goal is, Janata said people are going to slip. But that doesn’t mean they should give up completely.

“Re-adjust the goal according to how difficult it is for you,” Janata said.

He advised taking 2015 goals week by week or day by day.

“I remind people that we’re human and we’re not perfect,” Taravella said. “We’re going to mess up throughout our entire lives.”

He said one bad day “doesn’t mean we’re total failures and all progress we made isn’t meaningful.”

Reward Yourself

Building in days off is an important part of goal-setting, Taravella said.

“Being totally rigid 24/7 is not sustainable over the long haul,” Taravella said.

Go Public

Want to make sure you nail your 2015 resolutions? Make them public, psychologists advised.

“Talk to people about what you’re doing, so you can be accountable,” Taravella said, explaining that you’ll be motivated to succeed because you won’t want to fail in front of your friends.

Make Sure You’re Doing It for the Right Reasons

Tackling a goal because someone told you to or because you simply think you “should” might backfire, Janata said. Sometimes, taking on a goal because of outside pressure just makes people want to rebel, he said.

“There’s an important distinction to be drawn between goals that we feel that we should accomplish and those we believe we truly want to accomplish,” he said. “Rarely do we attain goals unless we truly embrace the goal.”

So make sure you’re only picking goals because you’re ready and eager to fulfill them.

25 Ways To Fight Holiday Stress

holiday-stress-buster-400x400The holidays can be a stressful time, but they don’t have to be!

The shopping and crowds. The back-to-back diet-busting parties. The interminable chats with the in-laws. We understand how easy it is to feel not so wonderful at this most wonderful time of the year.

Check out this article from Health magazine of 25 expert-endorsed ways to help you dodge the seasonal blues and stay happy, healthy, and energized.

Here are a few of my favorites suggestions:

Do less, enjoy more.

“We go overboard to please others during the holidays: shopping, cooking, sending cards, and attending every event,” says George Pratt, PhD, a psychologist at Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla in California. “Instead, take care of yourself by saying no at least once—and maybe more.”

Forget perfection.

Stop obsessing over doing it all. The world is not going to end if the house is a little cluttered or dinner is on the table a few minutes late. “Focus your energy on enjoying the people in your life,” says Donna Schempp, the program director for the Family Caregiver Alliance. Don’t sweat the small stuff and your holiday will be much more enjoyable!

Think positive.

The holidays may drive you to your breaking point, but don’t focus on the bad. Negative thinking can trigger the your body’s stress response, just as a real threat does. Remember, it’s time to celebrate with your family and friends (even if they do stress you out!). An optimistic outlook will help you cope with challenges that come your way.

New Feature: Guest Blogger Wednesdays in 2015

Hello readers!

Starting in January 2015, we will have a guest blogger featured each month on Wednesdays.

For January, we are promoting Andrieka “AJ” Austin!

Andrieka “AJ” Austin is a Certified Business and Personal Life Coach, Speaker and engaging facilitator of empowering conversations. She was named ‘Ultra Role Model’ by for her entrepreneurial achievements and philanthropic works as a mentor and supporter of empowerment for girls and their moms through her well-known social enterprise, Journey Girl, LLC. After experiencing much success with her first company, she is now focused on helping women entrepreneurs uncover the personal side of their professional struggles.

As The Socialprenista™, Ms. Austin channels her passion for entrepreneurship and empowerment by designing training and coaching programs for women entrepreneurs seeking to increase their business impact, influence, and income.

Please look for Ms. Austin’s featured blog posts starting in January!

Webinar Announcement For January, 8, 2015

The 3 Biggest Lead Generation Mistakes Small Businesses Make… And How To Overcome Them All

There are two things EVERY business owner wants. First, they want to generate more leads, attract more clients and make more money so they can eliminate any current financial distress they find themselves in. Second, they want to reach $1 million in annual revenue so they can begin to live the life they have always dreamed of having and so richly deserve. The E-Learning Marketing System was specifically created to provide all small business owners with the tools, resources and support they need to accomplish both of these goals. How? First, we help you target your ideal client, understand exactly what they want when they make their decision to buy, and create compelling marketing messages that enable you to out-market and out-sell your competition. We even provide you with “done-for-you” marketing and advertising examples that are proven and tested to get real-world results.We help you to establish a successful and lucrative sales process, we then help you document this process and license it worldwide.

The webinar will be on
Thursday, January 8, 2015
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM CST


Long-Lost Friends Who Still Matter

As we end one year and look forward to the next, we tend to reflect upon our friendships, new and old. We are grateful for those friendships as they have made our lives fuller. I saw this post on Hello Giggles and it made me think of my own friendships. Do you have a long-lost friend?


A brief letter to those long-lost friends who still matter by Kelsey Wynne

Friendship for me has always been somewhat of a challenge. I’ll meet people with whom I feel connected, but before I know it, we’ve both moved on. For a lot of people this may seem normal, but I’ve always longed for deeper connections than that. I used to dream up fantasies of road trips, and bonfires that I would have with a small intimate group of people. I still want those things, but as life progresses, I’ve come to terms with how rare that is.

I’ve also learned to cherish the connections I have made. Even when you move on, you never forget when someone’s made a positive impact in your life. Or you shouldn’t. It’s when things get hard that I must remind myself of the people I’ve known that do care, and the amazing friendships I’ve made in the past that made me the person I am today.

I wrote this back when I was a senior in high school. It was a time of transition and change in my life. Now that I’m a senior again (this time in college) and reflecting on all the friends I’ve made in school, I decided to revisit it.

For my friend,

I love you.

You’re my friend, though I may not know you very well anymore. You are my friend, and that’s all I care about. You were my friend when not many people were. You saw me when not many people saw me. You gave me hope, and confidence; that’s what keeps me going. If it weren’t for you and the time I knew you, I would not be where I am today. We may not speak anymore, but you’re the reason for a lot of triumphs and smiles.
So here’s to you, thank you.

I love you.

It’s an old note, but it reminded me that no matter what phase of friendship you’re in, some people just earn a permanent place in your heart.

Freebie Friday Giveaway

Happy Friday, readers! I hope you had a wonderful week and are gearing up for a great weekend!


Want to receive a complimentary Life or Business Session with me?

All you have to do is:

  1. Like my Facebook page
  2. Subscribe to the mailing list on my website
  3. Subscribe to the mailing list on

Once you do that, e-mail me at and you will get your FREE session!

*Remember you have to do ALL THREE to get your free session!*

For everyone who does this, I will hold a random drawing at the end of the month and the winning person will receive a three month coaching package for business or personal use.

So like and subscribe away!

Ask the Coach Thursdays and New Giveaway/Contest

Good morning everyone! Before we get to our regular Ask the Coach session, I’d like to announce a new giveaway and contest.


I am introducing Freebie Friday where you can earn a complimentary Life or Business Strategy session with me. All you have to do is like my Facebook page ( and subscribe to two mailing lists on my website and Once you do that, e-mail me at and you will get your free session! Remember, you have to do ALL three to get your free session!

For everyone who does this, I will then do a random drawing and the winner will receive a three month coaching package for business or personal use. Three months! That’s a great amount of time to get you started on living the life you love!


Every Thursday we will have an Ask the Coach session, so feel free to send in your questions and issues that you’d like some help and insight on.

Why is that I can’t seem to say no to people? I seem to never have any time for myself. I am always over-committed!

I can certainly relate to what you are asking as I have been there myself. What I find is that most people feel guilty about putting themselves first. When someone has a request, you have to see how the request fits in to your life or schedule. If it doesn’t serve you, then you should be able to say no without explanation. I hope that helps!

Read this article for more help: How To Say No Without Feeling Guilty.


Hello December! Finish The Year Strong


Hello December! With only one month left in 2014, let’s finish the year strong and plan ahead for success in 2015.

As the days get shorter and the calendar moves closer to a new year, many begin to think about their new-year resolutions and plan for how to start things off right in January. Ideally, before you jump ahead to 2015, it’s a good idea to decide how to make the most of the current year so you’re well positioned to start the new year off right.

What can you do now to plan ahead so you’ll be ready to excel next year?

1. Improve your habits.
Are you the colleague who annoys everyone because you are constantly late to work and can’t be counted on to get anything done on time? Take a good, close look at your work habits and think about how you could improve them now so you can really start the new year with a fresh approach.

Even if you’re not causing trouble at work, think about what habits you can change. Have you been eating a ton of junk food, even though you promised yourself to adapt a healthy diet? Are you staying up way too late on a regular basis? Think about what habits you have that you can try to change to help yourself feel better and be more productive at work and in the rest of your life.

2. Set goals.
When you saw the calendar change to November, did you get a feeling of dread because you haven’t accomplished most of the goals you set out to achieve in 2014? Or, are you like many in the workforce: did you forget to set any goals at all? As the saying goes, “You’ll never get there if you don’t know where you’re going.” You definitely “can’t get there from here” until you decide where you want to end up, and now is the time to identify some plans so you won’t be in this position next year at this time.

3. Improve productivity.
How can you get your work done faster? If you’re not already asking yourself this question, now is the time to start. If you can accomplish more in less time, you’ll free up hours for projects or interests you don’t think you have time to consider and be able to make a better impression on those you need to impress. Some key time wasters include: excessive email checking, not prioritizing projects and spending a lot of time gossiping around the water cooler or on the Internet. Start tracking your time on these activities and you may be surprised by how many hours you can recover from your day.

4. Learn something new.
Have you thought about how you could use some of your free time to learn something new? In a competitive environment at work, one way to get ahead is to put in extra effort and, in the process, to make yourself more marketable as a valued employee.

5. Identify a mentor.
If you have new goals for 2015, you may decide it’s a good idea to find a mentor or two who may be willing to help support you as you try to accomplish them. The best mentors are willing to invest their time and energy in you, and can expect to learn something in return. Consider actively seeking someone to serve in this role.

6. Extend your relationships.
Is there someone you would love to get to know better, but you’ve never made the effort? Maybe it’s a colleague at work, or a someone in your professional organization. What can you do to get to know the person better? Make a point to invite him or her to join you for coffee or lunch, or attend an industry networking event together. Never forget that your in-person relationships are key to your professional success.

7. Improve your digital footprint.
There’s no time like the present to ramp up your digital presence. If you’ve been hesitating to get a LinkedIn profile, or you never bothered to take a professional photo to use online, now is the time. Employers are turning to social media to source candidates and to learn more about you. What will they find? It’s up to you to feed content to Google so a search of your name online results in information you want people to know about you.

8. Step up.
It’s up to you to get things done, and you won’t accomplish anything without making an effort. Look for opportunities to take on interesting projects and make it clear to your supervisor that you are prepared to take on new challenges if you want to advance in your organization.

This article first appeared on AOL Jobs in November 2013:
8 Ways To Finish The Year Strong

Happy Thanksgiving! Ask the Coach Thursdays

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you have a wonderful day!

Every Thursday we will have an Ask the Coach session, so feel free to send in your questions and issues that you’d like some help and insight on.

Today we have a question about losing a loved one.

How do I get through a holiday when I suffered the loss of a loved one on or near the holiday?

Dear Anonymous,

First, let me start by saying I am sorry for your loss. You have to surround yourself with people who love you. You are not to be alone for any reason. Try to think of the good times and happy moments with your loved one. Know they are with you always in every moment of every day. Allow yourself to feel whatever you’re feeling whenever you’re feeling it. Just know that everything will be alright. Big hug.

Read this article for more guidance: 3 Tips For Coping With Grief During The Holidays
